Conveyor Tower Blueprints
Conveyor Towers that are used for belting across satisfactory
Standard Conveyor Tower
6 belts in one direction, 6 belts in opposite direction, 4 pipes, power at the top, plenty of room for splitting off or moving levels or throwing extra belts down.
Also Stackable
Vertical Conveyor Tower
(blueprints zipped up as there are 13 blueprints total including all variants)
Vertical Tower with 4 inputs up, 4 inputs down.
It is also infinitely stackable, using the three blueprints:
Blueprints stack by placing the mid blueprint in the center (not using blueprint mode) of the bottom or previous mid towers. the 8 belts then need connecting per placement.
Total blueprints are:
- 6x bot variants (mk. 3/5/6 and reverse belts)
- 6x mid variants (mk. 3/5/6 and reverse belts)
- 1x top variant (covers all the below)